Sunday, 29 July 2012

Why I shouldn't be a doctor

Peace be upon you homies :)

Lately the idea about updating this blog did pop-up and precisely clogged my brain yet the stagnant mind refuse to cooperate so I choose to cease halfway.It's Ramadhan and I'm welcoming it in a new breeze.Frankly speaking,Alhamdulillah,it doesn't feel the same as the previous years,this time the serenity of the nights bring tears to the eyes.The overwhelming emotions swarm by the night I performed Hajat prayer or reciting the Quran.I should be thankful to Allah for slipping in these feelings,and I could only pray tht it won't be my last :') InsyaAllah.

To foresee the future is impossible but this thing called instincts should be acknowledged for sure.I've been reflecting my past and now, thinking why I choose to not stick with my intention and choose a different route instead.The actual path I meant was me being a doctor *you should believe tht :p*.I actually started to look seriously into this career when I'm in the matriculation programme.Of course nobody hassled me into it but the interest grew in me(perhaps because I'm in love with Biology subject back then) but why I shut it down for good and decided not to go for it :

#1.I'm a Hemophobic(phobia to blood).

Although it's not severe where fainting and vomiting comes in package but when it involved a pool of blood,I just had to turn around or close my eyes.Imagine if I am in charge of the ER for the day and it happened to be a victim with bloods smeared all over him.The next thing you know,you got two victims there, -.-"

#2.I'm too mawkish.

When it comes to delivering bad news & watching them in despair,it tears me apart.

"Ma'am,we've tried our best but she lost a lot of blood..."

"Time of death : 1138"

"We need to resuscitate him(!)Put it to 700V(!)"

Maybe I've watched too much of ER and Dr.House but I can never blurted this in any circumstances.

#3.I can't make a fast decision when I panicked.

#4.I need my social life.

No offense,I know for the fact tht it doesn't mean you hv nil social life when you're a doctor. :p

#5.I prefer outdoors :)

Maybe I wasn't suited to be a doctor in the first place after all  because I prefer hiking 3000 miles for a whole day rather than being stuck in the hospital :) I can suffocate myself by doing so :D

Quote for the day :

"Allah does not give what we want,Allah give what we needs"

The Dreamwriter :)

1 comment:

  1. cool. aku pun end up nak tukar profession. hikhik. just wait and see :)
