Wednesday, 9 May 2012


May peace be unto you :)

Well lately I'm busying myself trying to cope with my new job,sketching and drawing.Above is my first artwork.I'm a beginner so I know it has flaws here and there but I'll endeavor to make my drawing even better.You just wait :) Talking about the first masterpiece,originally I drew The Avengers characters but I realize something after I finished it up.The most right looks more like Mr Bachan (Amitabh Bachan) here unintentionally.LOL.It supposed to be someone from the movie --' Guess I have to change the title or better yet direct a film hollywood with a twist of bolly.What say you?It would be lovely if you have the time to comment my artwork :)

Tht's it.Am trying to concentrate on drawing now.Wish me luck

P/s:It does look like Bachan rite?

The dreamwriter :)


  1. hebat wooh skin,, sorry x dapat update apa yang aku lukis, sebab aku x sihat
